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Green in Snow ‘Chinese Mustard’
Deep green foliage that can be used in salads and stir-fry. The edible flowers can be used in drinks and garnish. Adds excellent colour to the winter garden. Annual. H:1m W:80cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Brassica japonica
Light green very deeply dentated leaves. Used in salads, soups and stews. Annual. H:80cm W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.



Pak choiPak Choi
Hybrid ‘Joi Choi’
White stems with flat deep green glossy leaves. Ideal for winter cuisine. Annual. H:20cm W:15cm. 12cm, 17cm.



Red frillsRed Frills
Japanese Mustard.
Large textured, frileed, red leaves with a distinct, fairly hot mustard flavor. Great for warm winter cuisine. The flowers are edible and can be used in salads or as garnish. Annual. H:60cm W:40cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Red giantRed Giant
Japanese Mustard.
Large textured reddish green leaves with a distinct, fairly hot mustard flavor. Great for warm winter cuisine. The flowers are edible and can be used in salads or as garnish. Annual. H:60cm W:40cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Brassica campestris chinensis
Decorative plant with deep green ovate leaves. Makes a great addition to winter salads. A gross feeder, so water and fertilize well. Available from autumn. Annual. H:20cm W:20cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Oreganum ‘Hot ’n Spicy’
Oreganum spp.
Oval, grey green slightly hairy leaves with clusters of small white flowers in summer. The leaves have a strong chilli flavor.Ground cover. H:20cm W:spread.


Oreganum vulgareOreganum Vulgare
Oreganum vulgare
Oval, dark green, hairy, highly aromatic leaves with clusters of small mauve flowers in summer. Strong flavor, used with meat and vegetables. Attracts butterflies. Ground cover. H:10cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.


Golden CreepingGolden Creeping
Oreganum vulgare ‘Aureum’
Oval, cream and green, hairy, aromatic leaves with clusters of small pink flowers in summer. Strong flavor, used with meat and vegetables. Great ground cover for contrast planting. Ground cover. H:10cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.


Golden UprightGolden Upright
Oreganum spp. NEW
Striking golden foliage that add interest and colour to the herb garden. Ideal for container gardening or as a contrast plant. Strong Oregano flavor. Ground cover. H:30cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Variegated oreganumVariegated Oreganum
Origanum vulgare ‘Country Cream’
Oval, cream and green, hairy, aromatic leaves with clusters tiny of small pink flowers in summer. Strong flavor, used with meat and vegetables. Great ground cover for contrast planting. Ground cover. H:10cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.


Parsley- Italian GiantPARSLEY VARIETIES
Parsley ‘Italian Giant’
Has deep green flat leaves. Used extensively in a variety of culinary ways. It can also be used in a tea as a blood cleanser and is well-known as an antidote for the smell of garlic on the breath. Companion plant with tomatoes. Bees love it. Aphids do not. Biennial.Annual. H:60cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Parsley - Moss curledParsley ‘Moss Curled’
This plant has tightly curled deep green leaves. Use extensively in a variety of culinary ways it also can be used in a tea as a blood cleanser and is well known as an antidote for the smell of garlic on the breath. Companion plant with tomatoes. Bees love it Aphids don’t. Biennial. Ground cover. H:30cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.



Citronella Pelargonium
Pelargonium citronellum ‘No More Mozzies’
The deeply indented green leaves are pungently aromatic when crushed, releasing lemon scented plant oils that deter even the most determined mosquito. Shrub. H:60cm W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Rose scented geraniumRose Scented Geranium
Pelargonium graveolens
The sweet rose fragrance released from the deep green leaves when crushed is unsurpassed. The oil is used in aromatherapy. Great to flavor puddings, cakes and drinks. Shrub. H:30cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Passion fruit daisyPassion Fruit Daisy
Tagetes spp.
Small perennial shrub. The leaves a have wonderfully strong passion fruit fragrance. Bears golden yellow daisies most of the year especially in winter. Companion plant to repel nematodes in the soil. A spray from the leaves can be used to repel white fly on tomatoes and Mexican bean bug on beans. Frost hardy. Shrub. H:1.5m W:1m. 12cm, 17cm.


Par-cellPar-cell ‘Apium Variety’
A form of celery that looks like parsley but tastes like celery. The leaves can be picked all year round to add to salads and stews. Replace every two years. Annual. H: 30cm W:20cm. 12cm, 17cm.



Centella asiatica – ‘Arthritis’ or ‘Memory Herb’
Also known a Gotu Kola. A slender creeping ground cover with yellow-green round shaped leaves, similar to a violet leaf. The leaves can be added to fresh salads although somewhat bitter. Medicinal. Ground cover. H:25cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.


Pepper -California wonderPepper ‘California Wonder’ .
Capsicum frutescence spp.
The crisp, bright green bell shaped fruits from this plant are the best in a whole range of sweet peppers. Used in salads and a variety of hot dishes. Annual. H:80cm W:50cm.


Tanacetum cinerariifolia
Finely serrated, indented, light green leaves and masses of white daisy flowers in summer. The dried flowers can be used as an insect repellent to deter flies and mosquitoes. Pyrethrum is used in many natural insecticides. Shrub. H:30cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Rheum rhaponticum
Large palmate deep green leaves with fleshy red stalks and tall spikes of cream flowers in early spring. Only the stems can be eaten – the leaves are POISONOUS. Perennial. H:60cm W:60cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Eruca vesicaria
Green leafy plant. The leaves have a peppery taste and add interest to sandwiches and fresh salads. Likes rich well composted, friable soil and needs plenty of water. Grows best in winter. Annual. H:50cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Blue Rosemary
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘McConnel’s Blue”
Small aromatic shrub with small spiky dark green leaves and blue flowers. Hardy, prefers chalky well drained soil. The leaves are used in Mediterranean cuisine. Companion plant with Sage. Medicinal. Shrub. H:80cm W:80cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Braai rosemaryBraai Rosemary
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscany Blue’.
Small aromatic shrub with small spiky dark green leaves and blue flowers. The leaves are borne on long upright, straight stems. Hardy, prefers chalky well drained soil. The leaves are used in Mediterranean cuisine. The stems can be stripped of leaves and used as skewers for kebabs and sosaties. Shrub. H:1.2m W:80cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Creeping rosemaryCreeping Rosemary
Rosmarinus officinalis var. prostratus
A herbaceous, drought resistant low growing shrub with aromatic needle-like thin grey leaves and blue flowers in summer and autumn. The leaves add great flavour to mutton, poultry, fish and egg dishes. Shrub. H:80cm W:60cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Rosemary IreneRosemary Irene
Uniquely trailing growth habit with masses of blue flowers. Ideal for landscaping against embankments, in containers to cascade over the side and in hanging baskets. Ground cover. H:30cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.



Rosemary 2Rosemary officinalis “Heinz white”
Bearing white flowers on striking silver-green foliage. Use in the same way as ordinary Rosemary. Ground cover. H:80cm W:80cm. 12cm, 17cm.



Pink rosemaryPink Rosemary
Rosmarinus officinalis spp.
Small aromatic shrub with small spiky dark green leaves and pink flowers. Extremely hardy, prefers chalky well drained soil. The leaves are used in Mediterranean cuisine. Companion plant with Sage. Good cut flower. Shrub. H:80cm W:60cm. 12cm, 17cm.


Ruta graveolens ‘Kitty Scat’
Hardy, shrub with blue-green feathery leaves and yellow flowers. The whole plant repels cats and insects. Care must be taken when working with Rue as the juice from the stem. Shrub. H:60cm W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.