Lavender varieties
Lavender – Candicans
Lavandula dentata var. candicans
An herbaceous shrub with highly aromatic soft, serrated grey leaves. Large blue flowers topped with short pale purple bracts are borne on long stems from flowers through to autumn. Shrub. H:60cm W:40cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – Dutch lavender
Lavandula allardii
Spectacular en-mass, good colour contrast with grey-green, slightly serrated foliage. Not a prolific flowerer. Ideal for hedging. Has medicinal properties inherent to most lavenders. Shrub. H:80cm W:60cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – Spica
Lavandula x allardii ‘African Pride’
Grey slightly serrated leaf similar to angustifolia. Not a prolific flowerer. Ideal for contrasts and hedging. Has the medicinal properties inherent to most lavenders. Shrub. H:60cm W:40cm.12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – Fern Leaf Lavender
Lavandula multifida
Pale gray-green lacey fernlike leaves. Tall stems with bright blue, soft, flower spikes make this a very attractive lavender. This lavender is not aromatic. However what it lacks in aroma it makes up for in beauty. Shrub. H:60cm W:40cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – French Lavender
Lavandula stoechas
An herbaceous shrub with highly aromatic grey leaves. Large purple flowers topped with pale purple bracts are borne on long stems from spring through to autumn. Flowers can be used sparingly in stews, soups and salads. Has properties. Shrub. H:75cm W:50cm.12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – Margaret Roberts
Lavandula intermedia
An herbaceous shrub with highly aromatic grey leaves. Small blue flowers are borne on long stems from spring through to autumn. The flowers are used in salads, baking and garnishes. It’s fragrance is calming.Shrub. H:75cm W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – Royal Crown
Lavandula dentata var. Royal Crown
An herbaceous shrub with deeply serrated, highly aromatic green leaves. Large blue flowers are borne on long stems from spring through to autumn. Has medicinal properties. Dried leaves and flowers can be used in pot pourii. Shrub. H:80cm W:60cm 12cm, 17cm.
Lavender – Kew Red
Lavandula stoechas spp.
An herbaceous shrub with highly aromatic narrow grey leaves. Large pink-red flowers are borne on long stems from spring through to autumn. Has medicinal properties.Shrub. H:80cm W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Lemon Balm
Melissa officinalis
Small bright green serrated leaves and small white flowers, much loved by bees. Fresh leaves and flowers can be used in salads, stuffing or sauces for poultry or fish. Great for a lemon flavor without using lemons. Wonderful for summer teas. Medicinal. Shrub. H:60cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Lemon Grass
Cymbopogon citratus
The narrow, ribbon like, leafy fragrant stalks grow in clumps. The leaves swell slightly at the base to form a fleshy stolon. The sweet-sour lemony flavor of the leaves add zest to teas and marinade. The fleshy stolon is used in curries, fish dishes and Thai cooking. Medicinal. Grass. H:1m W:0.8m. 12cm, 17cm.
Lemon Verbena
Aloysia triphylla
A large bushy shrub with strong lemon scented narrow leaves. Bears sprays of small white flowers in summer. Dried leaves can be used for tea and in cooking with fish, poultry, salad dressings and puddings. Medicinal. Shrub. H:2m W:2m. 12cm, 17cm.
Lettuce varieties
Lettuce – Multi-leaf Range NEW
The best in perpetual lettuces – uniform, tasty leafs with high yield and minimal maintenance. Red and red-green combination foliage with frilled texture adds interest to the salad bowl. Annual. H:20cm W:20cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Lovage Lettuce
Levisticum officinale
The flavour is like parsley and celery combined with a hint of aniseed and curry.
The green leaves, cut into fine ribbons, are very good with lighhtly cooked summer veg. Or add them, chopped, to salads or stuffings for pork or chicken, or to fish chowder, or to just-boiled new potatoes in a mustardy vinaigrette. Lovage is delicious with eggs, too – stir leaveds into omelettes, scrambled egg or frittata. Tender young stems ( from the centre of the plant) can be steamed and served as a side vegetable – lovely with summer roast chicken. Shrub. H:40cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Oreganum majorana (Knotted/sweet marjoram)
A small hardy, bushy herb, producing small grey green oval leaves covered with fine hairs. Tiny flowers borne in knots on upright stems. The taste is richer than that of oregano and can be used to substitute it. Used in salads or stir-fry, raw fresh or dried. Used as a pesticide in natural control remedies. Shrub. H:40cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint varieties.
Mint – Apple Mint
Mentha sauveolens
A tall, vigorous ground cover with oval mid green, serrated hairy leaves with the fragrance of apples. Mauve flowers borne in summer. Good for mint sauce, jellies and added to cooked vegetables or in salad.Perennial. H:30cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Basil Mint
Mentha x piperita f. citrata ‘Basil’
Small leaves with sweet, basil mint aroma. Leaves are used fresh for flavouring especially melon, tomatoes, and fruit salad. An excellent pot specimen. Frost sensitive. perennial. H:1m W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Black Peppermint
Mentha x piperita (true Peppermint)
Very dark brown, oval, pointed, toothed, strongly peppermint scented leaves with purple to pink flowers in summer. Culinary and medicinal uses. A tea made from and infusion of leaves will aid digestion. Perennial. H:45cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Chocolate Mint
Mentha piperita spp.
Dark green brown, oval pointed, toothed, chocolate peppermint flavor. Great added to puddings, ice-cream and drinks. Perennial. H:45cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Garden Mint
Mentha spicata spp.
Most well known of the mints with tasty, highly aromatic mint flavored leaves. The mint is extensively used for salads, sauces and teas. Used medicinally. Useful natural insecticide. Perennial. H:40cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Ginger Mint
Mentha gracilis
Serrated variegated gold and green ginger scented leaves. Small mauve flowers in summer. Fresh leaves can be used in salads and also for floral decorations. Perennial. H:40cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Mint Julep
Mentha spicata ‘Julep’
Hardy plant with sweetly scented leaves and a striking fresh flavor that make it ideal for use in beverages. Used medicinally. A natural insect repellant. Perennial. H:25cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Lawn Pennyroyal
Mentha pulegium var.
Low growing Pennyroyal. Bears clusters of mauve flowers in spring. When crushed the leaves release a strong peppermint fragrance. Excellent ground cover between paving. Ground cover. H:15cm W:spread 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Liquorice Mint / Anise Hyssop
Agastache spp. NEW
Most gardeners know Agastache as anise hyssop, the spiky, blue-flowered plant that smells like anise or liquorice. Anise hyssop is a versatile plant that will attra plenty of butterflies in its own right. Agastache are hardy, drought tolerant, low maintenance plants, but they need to get acclimatized before they really take off. They like a rich soil and seem to over winter better if you don’t cut them back until spring. Excellent as a herbal tea and in pot-pourri. Shrub. H:50cm W:40cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Penny Royal
Mentha pulegium ‘No More Ants’ or ‘No More Fleas’
Upright growing Pennyroyal. Bears clusters of mauve flowers in spring. When crushed the leaves release a strong peppermint fragrance. An ant and flea repellent. Ground cover. H: 15cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Pineapple Mint
Mentha sauveolens variegata
Oval variegated cream and green pineapple scented leaves, and small white flowers in summer. Flowers and leaves used in salads, vegetables and in fruit salads. The flowers make a great garnish. Perennial. H:50cm W:50cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint -Slender Mint
Mentha diemenica ‘Aussie Mint’
Mat forming ground cover with small green leaves and with clusters of light purple flowers. Use between stepping stones and walkways. The leaves release a mint fragrance when crushed. Use sparingly for flavouring savory dishes and desserts. Perennial. H:15cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mint – Spearmint
Mentha spicata aquatica
Hardy, deep green, highly aromatic, serrated oval spearmint flavored leaves. Greatly prized for jellies and sauces. Used in confectionary, cosmetics, natural insecticides and medicines. Ground cover. HL25cm W:spread. 12cm, 17cm.
Mushroom Plant
Rungia klossii
Perennial, bushy plant with dark glossy leaves. The leaves have a mushroom flavor. A real treat in salads and sandwiches and added, at the last minute to retain the leaf colour, to stir-fry, stews and soups. Medicinal properties. Frost sensitive. Perennial. H:60cm W:60cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Myrtle (Dwarf)
Myrtus communis nana
Free flowering, with small shiny green fragrant leaves. Creamy puff flowers in summer followed by small black berries. Leaves and flowers used in salads, stir-fry, drinks and as garnishes. Fragrant as dried ingredient in pot pourii. Medicinal. Shrub. H:1m W:80cm. 12cm, 17cm.
Nasturtium ‘Alaska’
Tropaeolum majus
Bright orange, edible flowers and cream and green variegated leaves. The leaves and flowers have a peppery taste. Add to salads and vegetable dishes. The flowers make a wonderful garnish. Medicinal. Annual. H:35cm W:30cm. 12cm, 17cm.