Cover Itt Colour

Allysum Easter BonnetAlyssum Easter Bonnet
Alyssum Easter Basket Mix is a pastel mix of rose, lavender, purple and a bit of white. The Alyssum grows very compact with a multitude of pristine delicate flowers.  It is heat tolerant and works very well along walkways and edges of beds. Alyssum spreads elegantly to about 20cm wide. This sweet annual grows quickly and blooms continuously, so it’s always a favorite with landscapers! The blooms are frilly and produce a wonderful scent that may attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Perfect for Spring and Fall!

Arthirhinum snappy formulaAnthirrhinum Snappy Formula
Antirrhinum Snappy flowers very early on compact strongly branching plants. As a result of this branching habit, it stretches less than other dwarf Antirrhinums. The bloom time is extremely uniform across the color range as compared to other series in the market. Early to flower; Compact plant habit; Strong basal branching; Uniform bloom time; Good garden performance



Ceres Mix
Green leaved series of begonia specially selected for uniformity and South African conditions. Colours: Pink, Scarlet, White.

Eris Mix
Red leaved series of begonia selected for uniformity and South African conditions. Colours: Pink, Scarlet, White.

Bellis Tasso

Bellis Tasso

The best pomponette bellis ever introduced! Flowers are slightly larger than normal pom-pom types, on compact, short, strong flower stems, that bud up uniformly. The bright colours of rose, deep rose, red and white, will all give excellent garden performance, in containers or borders.


Calendula bon bon

Calendula Bon Bon

A more compact variety of calendula, Bon-Bon blooms early and non-stop. Fully double flowers vary from pale cream to bright yellow, contrasting beautifully with the rich green leaves. Lovely as a cut flower, or added as a colourful garnish to salads. Easy to grow, and attracts butterflies.



Celosia CastleCelosia Castle

This All-America Selections Winner grows to a maximum height of  25-30cm tall.  Dark foliage contrasts well with light and feathery blooms, which are produced all season long. This plant will perform well in mixed container plantings, as well as in the garden.


Coleus wizardColeus Wizard

Compact plants have very colourful, medium-size leaves, making this an excellent choice for shade plantings. Separate colours – solo or in combination with impatiens or other shade-loving varieties – make striking beds, baskets and containers. Low-maintenance, uniform and basal-branching plants are late flowering, extending their landscape value.


Gaillardia Arizona SunGaillardia Arizona Sun

Large fiery orange red blossoms of Arizona Sun are tipped by a ring of rich flame yellow. Forms a neat mound of lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves. Features to Note: Blooms for 4 weeks or more; Attracts Butterflies; Hot Dry site tolerant; Good for Cut Flowers; Great in containers; For a sunny spot.

Gaillardia are completely carefree. From the early summer on, very showy banded flowers “blanket” this plant. The ends of the petals have a torn, ruffled appearance. Butterflies are drawn to it.

Gazania bronzeGazanias

Daybreak New

Brightly coloured flowers above dark green flowers. Easy to grow and low maintenance required once established. Flowers from early Spring to late Autumn.

Kiss Frosty

One of the best silver ‘Frosty’ decorative foliage varieties available. These drought tolerant plants will be covered in a mixture of large, colourful blooms. Easy-care variety will flower all summer in sunny borders or patio containers.

Lobelia RiveriaLobelia Riviera

‘Midnight Blue, Rose, Sky Blue, White’

This extra early-flowering, mounded series is the market leader – plants bloom about 15 days earlier than standard varieties. Vigorous Riviera flowers profusely in an extensive range of colours. Ball-shaped plants stay compact and mounded, making them perfect for beds, borders, containers and colour bowls.

Lobelia is an easy-to-grow, carefree plant that enjoys cool weather. This summertime bloomer will continue to produce flowers on up through the first frost. Growing lobelia is an asset to the garden and also ideal for containers and hanging baskets where it can freely cascade over the side.

Pansy MatrixPansy Matrix

A breakthrough in modern Pansy breeding, these large flowering Pansies have been proven to give outstanding performance for maximum satisfaction in both beds and borders and patio containers. Easy to grow.

This series retains pansies’ wonderful cold tolerance, but when the weather is hot and older varieties of pansies become floppy with few blooms, the Matrix pansies will tend to remain well branched, squat and floriferous. As well, the petioles (stems that hold the flowers) don’t become overly stretched, so the flowers remain upright and beautifully displayed.

These new pansies are beautiful and tough, requiring virtually no maintenance other than regular watering and a bit of fertiliser and should continue to look great all year. The colour range is fantastic.

Petunia stormPetunia Storm

Storm Mix is a blend of white, salmon, violet, blue and red.

Big, wavy, 7-10cm flowers bounce back quickly after wind, rain and overhead watering. Some of the best petunias for overall performance in the landscape and containers

Portulaca happy hourPortulaca Happy Hour
These succulent beauties are heat and drought tolerant and low maintenance, forming easy to grow carpets of brilliant colour. Produce droves of dazzling 5cm flowers throughout the summer and are an outstanding temporary ground cover, or use them to brighten mixed borders, patio pots or hanging baskets. No pinching required.



Primula DanovaPrimula Danova

Simply the best Primroses on the market today, this mixture is specially adapted for hotter climates and drier soils. The Danova name equals quality when it comes to Primroses to fill your shady garden beds and best containers!

Danova Primroses reach just 8-12cm high (up to 20cm in bloom) and 12-15cm wide, with puckered and veined deep green foliage that looks handsome all on its own before and after the blooms. Expect the sweet-scented flowers to start in winter and to continue right through summer and into fall when conditions are optimal.

Primula malacoidesPrimula malacoides

Grown for their tiered spikes of densely packed, tiny, single colourful flowers which are carried above neat rosettes of crinkled green leaves. A slightly shaded position will prolong the flowering period and prevent burning of the more sun-sensitive colours. They prefer well-drained soil enriched with old well-rotted manure and compost. With regular watering and feeding they should bloom from Autumn until early Summer. If the weather turns too warm, mulch around the plants with compost to help keep the root systems cool. These delicate flowers make a striking display when massed, and also combine well with Spring bulbs or Violas, Pansies and Iceland Poppies. They also make good container plants.

Salvia bright redSalvia Reddy Bright Red

Salvia Reddy is the only natural dwarf, non-stretching Salvia variety on the market. Reddy produces a large number of densely placed bright coloured flowers above dark green foliage. It is day length neutral and performs splendidly in the garden.



Stocks dwarf 10 weeksStocks Dwarf Ten Weeks

Compact, bushy and easy to raise plants with a glorious fragrance which are ideal for bedding or for growing in drifts in the border. The large, showy richly fragrant flower spikes come in a fine mixture of colours including crimson, scarlet, rose, pink, purple, lavender and white. Eminently suitable for cutting, a fragrant bed of stocks in the garden makes spring and early summer delightful.

There is very little to match stocks for their fragrance, flower displays and ease of growing.

Viola sorbetViola Sorbet XP

Sorbet XP genetics deliver a uniform plant habit. Plants cover the soil at flowering, with more blooms on every plant and less stretching. Early-blooming Sorbet remains compact in both heat and cold, making it a standout performer in Autumn and Spring, through to Summer.

Free-flowering plants perform across a wide range of climatic conditions and have excellent overwintering.

Zinnia Zahara Double DuoZinnia Zahara Double Duo

The only true double zinnia series on the market. Double Zahara makes bigger, fully double flowers for more colour show. This award-winning series offers all the same great traits as its popular single Zahara counterparts: outstanding disease tolerance, low water needs, and superior all-season performance in beds and planters.

Satisfied shoppers will be back for more!