About Doonholm Nursery

In January 1998 Douglas Watson bought the Simpson's Nursery from John and Cath Simpson. The Nursery had been operating for some 15 years.

Doug chose to rename the Nursery business as Doonholm Nursery which was the name of the farm he grew up on, on the outside of Nairobi in Kenya.

Douglas grandparents were some of the first settlers in British East Africa as Kenya was then known and the farm they established was called Doonholm Farm, a mainly dairy farm.

J.K. Watson was a true pioneer responsible for many of the early buildings in Nairobi and imported the first herd of Ayrshire cows into Kenya.

J.K. Watson came from Ayre in Scotland and the name Doonholm is Gaelic and refers to the Doon River in Scotland.

Doonholm Nursery has progressed to being a leading Herb and Ground Cover Nursery in Gauteng and has won numerous awards for excellence at the South African Nursery Association's Trade Days.

Today Doonholm Nursery has expanded to double it's original size and supplies Herbs under the ' Healthy Living Herbs' brand, Ground Covers under ' Cover Itt' Ground Covers brand.

Louis van Aswegen joined Doonholm Nursery in 1999 and has become a Director of Production and a Partner in the business, who's uncompromising standards have resulted in the high quality of plants produced by Doonholm Nursery.